Thursday, November 13, 2008


Whelp, I started this blog roughly eight months ago when I began my first batch of wine. Here’s a little back story about myself:

I am a military “brat,” so I moved often. By often I mean every three years. As time went on I became fascinated by plants and vegetables. In Virginia I used to grow very nice sized tomatoes. After my parent divorce I later moved to the inner city of Philadelphia. This is where I found my calling.

I managed to grow tomatoes the size of softballs and my uncle who is a chef used to brag about how my tomatoes where not only the best, but the sweetest. Beating out “Jersey” tomatoes according to him. Either way, he used to take my tomatoes to work for lunch, despite making great entrees. I gave up my desire for agriculture in lieu of a profitable career in the financial industry, yet the classes that intrigued me were soils and land I and II, in college. Agriculture, chemistry. I remember feeling lost.

I entered the world of finance as an analyst and decided to start a real estate company with my brother. We all know how real estate is doing, so don’t judge. To say the least I am back growing plants in the field my family swears that, “You (I) shouldn’t trade stocks, you (I) should trade stalks.”

I still am working and constantly saving up for land even though lately I have lost site of that and need to wake up. I am constantly making wine and learning through trial and error. This is my story. This is how I started. I plan on incorporating and vineyard but I will show you whether I succeed one step at a time.

I promise to give you photos but my camera is busted. If I do give photos, please forgive me sense it will be from my blackberry. I have batch I just made for my girlfriend's birthday in February and can't wait to finally give her a batch she can actually drink! She has put up with my wine making and bad batches for long enough, because she loves me. It's the least I can do for her and her senses.

Keep of growing and keep on fermenting. Please, leave me comments/tips and feel free to stop by and see my progress.


Topher Lloyd